It’s been a week! My husband has been away for work and the kids’ schedules are in full fall swing, and the to-do list is kind of endless. Each day since Monday has felt a bit like I wake up, get on the hamster wheel and stay on it until I got to bed
What’s saved me this week is:
Mom’s cooking! My parents came over a few times this week with dinner deliciousness in tow: Good Egyptian homecooking of Molokhia one night and sweet peas with carrots the next. Molokhia is the hardest thing to describe to non-Arabs because it sounds truly awful - it’s a viscous green soup made from jute mallow leaves, seasoned with coriander powder, garlic and salt, and served over rice, BUT it is truly the most delicious of Egyptian vegetable recipes. The kids and I gobbled it up gratefully and there’s some in the fridge to get us to the weekend. Chef’s kiss!
Dad’s grocery shopping and errand running. I’ve written before about how much my dad loves grocery sh…