Jun 28Liked by Noha Beshir

Congratulations on your Substack birthday Noha ❤️❤️❤️❤️ to many many more years!

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Thank you Nadia!!!

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Jun 27Liked by Noha Beshir

Whoop! Whoop!

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Good for you, Noha. And good for us! Thank you for persevering.

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Thank you so much Elizabeth...

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Aww Noha Congratulations! This is fabulous and is my favourite reading directory. Dua aur a lot of love :)

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Thank you Kiran - I'm so flattered, my friend!

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Congrats on year 1 friend!

I'm grateful to have the opportunity to experience your bravery on this platform 🙏🏽

Good luck this summer too 😝

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Jamal, thank you so much! I'm so glad to have met you too and gotten to experience your eloquence. You have an incredible ability to cut through the meat to get straight to the bone of truth in someone words. I appreciate you!

Re the summer, I keep thinking about that Simpsons meme, where Bart says "this is the hottest summer of my life!" and then Homer says, "ah, but this is the coldest summer of the rest of your life" 😭😭😭😭

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Thank you for those kind words friend 🥲❤️

And that's some unexpected insight from Homer 🤣

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Right? Homer is typically not so prescient...

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Happy 1 yr my dear 😍 we are happy to be here with you

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My little cutie-patoooooootiiiiie!!

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This may be the cutest exchange I've ever witnessed on Substack 🥰🤣

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Awwwww! Dia is adorbs and I just ride her coattails, but thank you!

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Love this idea -- I was thinking of something similar for a summer post. My own two-year anniversary passed with little fanfare in March. Very happy to have connected and look forward to seeing where the next year takes your series.

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Two years is amazing! I think a summer round up of your favourites would be great lawn chair reading… I’m glad we connected too - I saw your therapy piece and I’m intrigued. Can’t wait to dig into it.

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Great content. Great idea. Congratulations on one your year anniversary. I’m sure there’ll be many more.

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Thank you, Kim! So much of my new fountain of creativity has come from reading great writing on here, including yours. I've really appreciated your writing and learned a lot from you.

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That means so much Noha. You have no idea. Thank you. 🙏

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Jun 25Liked by Noha Beshir

Happy anniversary Noha! You’re words are a honeyed offering

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"A honeyed offering" - I am so touched by these words.

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Happy Substack birthday! I am impressed and inspired by your consistent writing habit.

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Ambata! I'm impressed at the writing you're able to do away from the quick publish button - a book! a book! I am still so impressed.

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Alhamdulillah thank you but I was sooo inconsistent in writing it. Some writers write books in just a few months. It took me four years with lots of long stops at random points. But yes alhamdulillah Allah got me to the finish line.

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The fact you wrote a book at ALL makes you a hero to me. I tried and failed 4 times so far, almost always around the 200 page mark... Alhamdulillah, masha Allah.

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Insha'Allah it will happen when the time is right.

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Mazel my friend! One year of a consistent anything is a big deal, and sharing your heart while building a community is HUGE. Thank you for your words and for being you. <3

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Thank you so much Emmy! And thank you for coming along and sharing your voice and your thoughts in the comments. I am richer for your input.

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Congratulations on one year! I hope the next one is just as fulfilling, InshAllah! 💚

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Thank you - aameen aameen insha Allah!

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What a wonderful way to celebrate a Substack anniversary! I see an old favorite or two in this list, as well as plenty of things I missed along the way. I love your Alice Munro tribute for its admiration of a writer that opens into a call to set our standards high in literature, refusing to settle for less than a full picture of human complexity.

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Thanks Tara! and thanks for the motivation and the framework in which to do it. I needed that push.

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Jun 25Liked by Noha Beshir

Congratulations, Noha! What a difference a year makes! I'm so glad you started writing and held yourself in your practice. I'm looking forward to the letters I haven't read yet and grateful to witness the fruits of your challenge to yourself. Thank you for writing.

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Anne-Marie, thank you so much for your support. For always reading and engaging, and sharing your valuable thoughts. I've really enjoyed our chats here in the comments and also on chat...

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Jun 25Liked by Noha Beshir

Thank you, Noha. I enjoy our chats and discussions here and in chat, too. And always your writing. Happy to be in connection with you!

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Congrats on one year, Noha! Your writing on here has been such a bright spot on this platform. Very very thankful for all of the good work that you do!

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I feel the same way about you, Michael! Glad to have met you on here (even if your newsletter has since moved - no biggie!)

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(I actually relented & brought it back so... you'll be seeing more of me...)

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Yaaaay!! That actually makes me really happy!!

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Congratulations on your one year Substack anniversary, Noha!

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Thank you so much Diana! And thank you for your support

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