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Gorgeous Masha’Allah!

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Thank you! Your trip next spring is also to the south of Spain, correct?

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I have no geography of Spain! It’s in Orgiva, that’s all I know.

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Wow, these are GORGEOUS. I see you were also in Sevilla which is my favorite place. Don’t stop writing and telling us about your extraordinary travels. Thank you.

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Sevilla was unbelievable! Really really stunning. I wish we had more time in whole region but I'm so glad we made the most of the time we did have.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Noha Beshir

I'd never even heard of Andalusia before this post! Looks like a really beautiful place to visit. Thank you so much for sharing, Noha.

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Thank you so much for being along on the ride! I highly recommend as a place to see and be. Would it be far for you? Where are you located?

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Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos!

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Thanks, Jeffrey! You've been here before, I think, yes?

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I have indeed! Safe travels!

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The photos are exquisite! Thank you for sharing - brought back good memories of this beautiful place. Enjoy your trip!

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