"I'm not ready to be a Chris" 😂😂😂😂

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I'm literally in a meeting right now with my main Chris and we're talking about work and exchanges between 4 other Chrises to much confusion 😂😂

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Noah the first had me cracking up. This was funnyyyy, the whole way through.

I try not to be miffed when people tell me they know someone who looks like me. No! Noooobody looks like me.

(And yes, why have so many children been put in prison and why isn’t it being discussed?)

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Neena! thank you, I was nervous to try my hand at humour writing. I'm a deeply silly person in my day to day but when I sit down to write, a more serious person emerges most of the time. This was FUN!

So many children in jail, and more being abducted according to the horrific administrative detention that Israel's legal system allows. They've released some but are "arresting" others in the West Bank at an alarming rate. Children. Some as young as 5 years old!)

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First of your name in a Game of Thrones sense!

Also, I think everyone should have a fun nemesis.


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Hahaaaa First of my name - I need a mug or something. I love this.

And I agree! Having a fun nemesis makes the workday day go faster 😅

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this was *hilarious* and such a great essay — short and sweet. I grew up with a million kids named Mikhal, it's a suuuuper common Hebrew name, and now no-one can say it here in the states! I think there were four other Mikhals in my high-school choir? I feel similarly, I always wanted an easier name, but secretly I love being unique and special. I think I just realized that while reading this.

And, as always, thank you for the resources. I'm adding that Ezra Klein episode to my list of things to listen to this week. I wish the international community would just put a stop to this already and send in *massive* resources to rebuild Gaza asap. The destruction can't go on even one more day. Oof.

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Is it pronounced the same way as "Michael" or is it different? I'm so curious now. And yes to the wanting a more common name until it happens hahaaaa!

The Gaza situation continues to be devastating. Sadly, I don't think many will care once a ceasefire is eventually called. I fear that most people will move on and the strip will remain in the state its' been reduced to, with no sanitation, rubble everywhere, lack of health care, etc. The collective punishment is cruel and unjust.

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It's Mee-khal, with the Kh like in Khaled or the Russian Mikhail :) Emphasis on the last syllable.

It's really so awful and heartbreaking. I pray people don't forget and move on, although I've seen it happen a lot of times, of course... what we need in the region is new leadership asap and major investment in sanitation, infrastructure, education, health systems -- and peace/dialogue/healing sessions! And holding those in charge to account for the hell they've unleashed. What's going on is beyond horrifying and tragic.

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I know exactly how to pronounce it now! In case we ever meet.

Yes to major investments in all of these things, and an end to the blockade, and to the building of more illegal settlements, and hopefully one day to either a two state solution with a viable Palestinian state that isn't checkpointed to death or to a one-state solution where everyone is treated equally and with dignity.

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Also, the Arabic version is Meekal. It's an angel's name? Is it also an angel's name for you?

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Amen amen amen to all those things. I don't see how/why anyone can plan for a future wherein ppl don't get to live in autonomous dignity. It seems v obvious to me that what you described is/should be the only viable way forward ♥️

And yes! It's an angel:) the female version. I love knowing the Arabic version.

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So cool! I think ours is a male version. The name is a boy's name in Arabic. I love comparing and learning 🖤

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Me too! In Hebrew there's two versions, Michael and Michal (or Mikhal). I hope we do meet one day! I have a lot of family in Canada, so who knows?

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I have always been the one and only Loretta. In school, at work, anywhere. Yes, when I was a kid I got compared to the country singer a lot, but that was it. I am not sure how I would react if another one showed up in my circles.

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Loved can relate!

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Awww thank you!

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The Only Noha The First -- this is a delightful piece. It's introspective, funny, self-deprecating, honest. So nicely done.

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Awwww thank you! I really only put it out here so everyone could respond to tell me how great I am. It worked 🤣🤣🤣

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Great post, OMG, you’re literally the best! And to me, you’ll always be the OG Noha!

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Thank you so much!

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You are now Noha the OG to me. I’ve met so many Mark’s- it’s so annoying I have to introduce myself as “My name is Marc with a ‘C.’ And then I get called Marcus. I know the pain - just a little!

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Marcus! SMH. People don't even listen... Sigh.

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Great job OG Noha

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I better be OG Noha for you!!! 🤣🤣

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I’ll tell you this. OG Noha HAS to be funnier!! I laughed out loud throughout this post, Noha prime. 🤣

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Thank you so much, Holly! I rarely write humour but this one was easy because it's been happening in my life and has been an ongoing joke at work with my work friends. I am a deeply silly person in real life 😅

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Noha Prime is a very cool nickname. In my household we call (fake) nemeses “bogus <insert name>” well I’ve grown up with a name that isn’t even a name in its native language, Swahili. It’s a pretty basic word so when I meet people who speak Swahili they find my name strange. I know very well the experience of not finding your name on anything.

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Ambata, I feel your pain. Although I can find my name on things in Arabic speaking countries because it is a reasonably common Arabic name. My sister brought back key chains for my sons with their names on them in Arabic from Hajj and they've never been so delighted.

What does your name mean in Swahili?

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Well I recently learned the Arabic word “anbata” but can’t recall the exact meaning. My husband says that’s probably what a lot of Arabs think I’m calling myself. 😅 in Swahili my name means along the lines of “to hold tightly”

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I can't think what anbata means 😅😅

I love the meaning of your name.

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Oh Noha this was so funny & delightful to read. You’ll always be Noha the First to us. x

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Keeley! I am geeking out that you read this - major fan over here! Thank you for coming to play in my little corner of Substack 🤗

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Very funny namesis essay! I can relate. I did not grow up with any other Tara-people around. It did take time to get used to sharing. The first shock is the worst! 😭😁

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The first shock is the worst! I have a second cousin named Noha but I was expecting that in Egypt, not at my Canadian workplace! I want my unicorn status back 😭😭🤣

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For a long time, I was the only Sandra, and actually went by Sandi (still the only one). Then, another Sandy came into the picture in 9th grade and I did not want to be confused with her. Sandra it was. Now, Sandra isn't rare, but it isn't common (could rarely find a Sandra mini license plate), but when you put it with my last name? There are a fair amount of us. Like the Sandra Miller who didn't pay her taxes so I got her lien letters (it was the IRS who suggested I go by my full name; it wasn't because it's super cool). Then there's the Sandra Miller who would cancel my dental appointments (when the office called the wrong one of us an never checked/realized there were 2), or the one at my gynecologist's office who prompted the nurse to tell me, "You've lost a lot of weight." (This was back when people could say stuff like that.) I said, "Maybe a couple of pounds," then she realized she had the wrong patient file. So, I get losing your singular Noha status. It's a bummer. But there's only one you, and you remain our favorite Noha for sure. xo

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Sandra! Oh my goodness that is A LOT of mix-ups! And the level of annoyance for IRS lien letters and cancelled dentist appointments feels way higher than the headset mix up.

Thank you for commiserating with me, and mollifying my ego. I realize now in writing this essay that I've just gotten an entire community on Substack to tell me that I'm there favourite Noha too, and that is a very sneaky ego boost to conjure, but I'm enjoying it 😅

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Totally enjoy it, Noha. You are the first Noha I met, so you will always be the original! xo

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We're all on your side, Noha the First!

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Hahaaaaaa thank you for the support (and sorry for the desperation)

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